About Ginny

Ginny Dean cultivated a deep love and appreciation for the earth at an early age living in the Midwest. In her late teens, she discovered the expressive worlds of poetry and modern dance. Her love of the two art forms, and this artistic inclination naturally evolved into a passion for yoga and meditation. Eventually, she practiced as a teacher in both movements.
In her midtwenties, she moved to Arizona and delved into the academic realms of archaeology, anthropology, and psychology, seeking to understand the complexities of human history and behavior.
Today, she is a gardener and writer who finds stories in the soil and passionately aspires to write and create in both worlds. Ginny believes that our personal journeys are our Muses, and that by taking the time to reflect, we can uncover stories waiting to be written.
Before settling in Oregon, Ginny changed lanes and visited Australia, the San Juan Islands, and California.
In early 2013, after leaving Arizona and traveling, Ginny made a home in Ashland. This culturally-rich community has provided the perfect backdrop for her to continue exploring the complexities of people and the ever-changing narratives of personal stories.
She invites you to connect with her at ashlandginny@gmail.com or on her website at www.ginnydean.net

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