
Changing Lanes
in Flagstaff (July 2024)
A Novel
Changing Lanes in Flagstaff follows the stories of Rebecca, Heather, and Georgia, along with Dennis, Carl, and Rory (and other Flagstaff residents!) as each individual decides on how to live their dream lives. Set in Flagstaff, Arizona, in 1998, the novel explores the complexities of examining one's life.

One Last Dance (2025)
A Novel
It's not too late to fall in love again.
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Feet First Detective Agency: Murder on the Mat (2026)
A Multi-Series Novel
The first in its "Feet First Mystery Agency" series, follows the thrilling adventures of a Private Investigator in the community of Ashland, Oregon. All's right in the Bard's community . . . or is it?

Look for it soon!
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